Things to Wear to the Beach Tuesday of the Day

They say that the internet was created as a tool to track everyone on all levels of their life, from their conversations, their inner most intimate thoughts, their porn habits, their shopping habits, their locations, their bank accounts, you know as a mechanism of population control and manipulation through the data they pulled from everyone…..

But I like to think that the internet was created as a tool for chicks to post their bikini and swimsuit pics from vacation….which actually be a tool to get people to get onboarded onto the soul sucking, identity stealing, mind shaping internet machine, you know “post bikini pics, all retards will come like mice in a cage being rewarded so that we can get what we want out of them, oh and MAKE it free so that there are no barriers of entry”……but that’s far too dystopian for a wonderful phenomenon of SO MUCH bikini content being produced every day…..

Here’s a round-up of swimwear to start the day right.

Things to Wear to the Beach Tuesday of the Day June 27th, 2023