Workout Wednesday of the Day

In this world of everything trying to make a motherfucker fat, from foods, seed oils, birth control in the water, streaming platforms, gaming, porn, social media…you know evil, soul sucking, convenient for snack food poison eating shit…..there’s something to be said for chicks who still hit the gym, who try to fight the elements, especially when they do it naked…

Besides all the health benefits of working out, from hormonal, to actual body looking banging in a bikini, the only reason my fat ass ever volunteered at a gym was for the bitches….

At the time, it wasn’t normal to identify as a chick to be allowed in the changing room, so you had to do volunteer work to accidentally go in to pretend to fix something in your official uniform, which would generate enough complaints to get me fired….it was a harder time back then….

If you told them you were a chick and needed to change with chicks because all the dicks in the men’s room were threatening….they’d kick you out…so you get crafty….

But yeah staring at girls workout has been hot over the years, staring at them doing it naked is a nice evolution of working out, even though I’m more a man of mystery and the unknown, but I’ll still look at all being offered…and looking at them show their gains when naked, also a worthy celebration for a pervert like me, buried in too much fat chick…literally.

Workout Wednesday of the Day June 28th, 2023