I forgot Kate Upton existed. I wasn’t a fan of her big sloppies when she was being pushed onto us like the next great thing in bikini modeling, her body was boxy and dumpy and the big tits were big tits, which clearly is enough to win over America, but they weren’t great tits….so by the time she was 19 or 20 I was like “her body is middled aged, get the fuck out of here”…..
She ended up marrying a rich as fuck athlete, she quit the model life because why bother, it got her a rich as fuck athlete, not that she wasn’t rich as fuck before the model thing, her grand dad invented Whirlpool or some shit….
She had a kid or multiple kids, is now 31 and for whatever reason this set of pics of her popped up from June 17th and despite look as old as she’s always looked, her tits have DEFLATED…..
So all the Kate Upton bros still jerking off to her SI moment because the tits were ALL she had going for her, now have to deal with an older and flatter version of her and that’s hilarious…..WHEN THE TITS ARE ALL YOU HAVE and the TITS LEAVE YOU….where do you stand in the world….
She must be going through some dark times as a flat chested bitch…emotionally, not financially….all tits to no tits….DARK TIMES.