Jordyn Jones is out in her bikini for old times, because there was a time just a few years ago, where she was hustling the bikini pics and underwear pics to her “Close Friends” that were paying her to see her “Close Friends” feed of content that involved bikini pics and underwear pics, and the whole thing was more entertaining than anything else she’s likely done in her life, unless you’re a creep into the fact that she was on a Child Dance Reality Show, but most of us just find that creepy and the kind of thing that would lead to a bitch selling nudes on OnlyFans or Instagram.
Anyway, the Kalamazoo, inbred looking girl, who isn’t showing her dancing ass, which is really what her selling point was, is still in a bikini, still looking inbred, but I figure she should keep up the slut content and not be lazy about it just because she’s got piles of money from it because premium content is the scam of the century, I mean along with other SCAMS I won’t mention, yet it makes these girls stupid rich for very little effort….good times..