Medical Worker Monday of the Day

It’s a long weekend, which is actually a time when medical workers are forced to work because idiot wagies who are let out from their cubicle prison go mental with too much drink by the pool, on the boat, on the ATV, or other fun and exciting things they should do everyday, but don’t because they are an oppressed slave class of SERFS…

So that means a lot of hot medical worker babes who still work in their field for the pension, which are probably few and far between because I am sure they hot ones are just milking the nerd perverts with credit cards on the internet for their funds, but maybe some are smart enough to realize they don’t get fired for doing this shit on the job, that’s discrimination against whoredom and will get the medical center that employs them sued, so just let the place turn into a brothel or strip club, it’s more fun for everyone, especially those dying in the facility, because as a society, we’ve become a bunch of masturbating mentally retarded from porn freaks….

That’s not to say the internet turned nurses into sex workers, since nurses have always been drawn to that job to seduce doctors and live that good life, because clearly nursing isn’t about bedside manner but it is about gaming rich dudes in all its form….clever bitches…

Medical Worker Monday of the Day July 3rd, 2023