Ashley Graham Still Fat of the Day

This just in….Ashley Graham is still fat….

This just in….fat ladies everywhere are feeling fierce in their one-pieces because they just saw fat Ashley Graham looking fat in her one-piece…

Long gone are the days of starving yourself before a beach day, or skipping breakfast and lunch before a pool party, so that the stomach looks flat…ALL THAT LAXATIVES the day before trying to clean out the bloat like a typical girl tries to clean out her colon now that they’re all into ass fucking…

So yeah, celebrating being a fat fuck because the world celebrated her being a fat fuck and she made a fucking career out of being a fat fuck and not even as a sideshow act or circus performance, just legitimate, fat fuck existing booking huge brand deals because brands wanted to look like they were into fat fucks, because making shit in fat fuck sizes allowed them to increase sales to a market of fat fucks who never used to be able to buy regular sized human clothing due to being a fat fuck.

The point of the story, her legacy in normalizing fat fuck premature death should get her arrested, like someone pushing for the normalization of opiates, or even like a girl convincing her suicidal boyfriend of killing himself, since that’s precisely what Graham Cracker Eating Monster, CHILL OUT ON THE SMORES, is doing…


Ashley Graham Still Fat of the Day July 6th, 2023