The bathing suit is pretty much the foundation of the internet, along with hardcore free porn, but as an accessible level of easy and shameless but not overly shameless that it’s scary to produce content from basically all bitches who go on vacation, the bathing suit is responsible for social media’s success…..because every dude friended colleagues and old friends to see them half naked….not to see their shitty kids, their shitty gossip or life wins and losses they whine about….but the vacation pics…
I may be more keen on bathing suits because I live in a place where the only bathing suits I see are on fat chicks tanning because they are too old to give a shit, and not the hot chicks going to the cooler places than what I am allowed to go, where they wear those bikinis…so I turn to the internet….to celebrate the only article of clothing that matters, that inspires, that you can jerk off to knowing it’s outdoor appropriate yet still so slutty for the average chick to put on, yet they ALL put it on with ease….even the most prude bitch is totally fine slipping into a fucking g-string so long as it’s a bikini….like the fact it is a bikini makes it ok….and I’m into keeping that trend going!