Feminist Friday of the Day

These braless chicks may just be taking part in a braless trend and it is QUITE possible that they aren’t trying to virtue signal their not wearing bras as some kinds of feminist agenda to push the female species to a state of equal pay.

It is quite possible that some of them will pretend getting naked on the internet for dudes to stare at their tits is some convoluted feminist strategy to de-sexualize women, by letting them control their own bodies in how they want to be sexualized, that is actually no different than when a hot chick was hired to model nude for a company and made the call to model nude for the company…only these women are self starters since no one’s knocking down their doors and paying them to do it….

I always find the new age feminists who equate whoredom to womens rights fucking weird, because ultimately, even before women had the right to vote, which is pretty much when everything went wrong, the whores still existed and were getting paid more than the no whores working the factory jobs, because they were selling something worth more than sewing nightgowns for Victorian department stores…

Point of the story, feminists are idiots, virtue signallers, women’s studies majors who talk in circles because they have no actual point, just a big words in their retard minds….but BRALESS CHICKS, even when FEMINSIST are great, cuz they show us their tits…

SO if you’re going to be annoying in life, pull out the tits to make it more tolerable…

Feminist Friday of the Day July 14th, 2023