Criminal Gigi Hadid Bikini of the Day

Just the other day, I thought to myself “what ever happened to Bella Hadid, she was a super famous model thanks to instagram, not because she was hot or deserved to be a model, but because the internet is as lame as the fashion industry that eats up anyone with clout like a bunch of groupies, where did she go”… know since Bella Hadid was shameless on a near daily basis in her artsy, slutty, fake high brow, dog-faced content made possible because of Gigi Hadid….the sister who paved the way for her before bowing out and breeding with a member of One Direction, only to split up and raise their kid, who will already be fucked up thanks to the parents, in a broken home….

Well, Gigi has made an appearance recently, after years of not being active in modeling or in social media instagramming, and it hasn’t been very hot. She looks aged, bloated, disgusting, but she was rumored to be fucking Homosexual Leo DiCaprio for clout or as a paid job, since he likes to be surrounded by whores, despite being really out of touch…and old….

She’s not in the news because she’s in Cayman Islands, probably tax evading as rich people do, checking in on her investments and her off-shore accounts, and she got arrested.

The idiot flew private to Caymen Islands, where this bikini pic showcasing how trash she is, with weed she bought in New York, which is called DRUG SMUGGLING to the normies….

She got fined $1000 dollars, didn’t do any prison time, and they aren’t giving her the death penalty, but clearly these idiots haven’t learned shit from that dude Brit Grinder in Russia….

The rich, medicated, stoner with the bloated face should get the death penalty, some MIDNIGHT EXPRESS, but thanks to being rich and famous, she can just buy her way out of her CRIMES, it PAYS to be rich…

Criminal Gigi Hadid Bikini of the Day July 18th, 2023