Halle Berry Snake Charmer of the Day

As a top level celebrity from a different era of celebrity, it’s safe to assume that Halle Berry is part of the satanist crowd that are rumored to exist, where they have weird sex parties amongst themselves, where they drink blood and do horrible things, in order to be “all in it together”, like a club initiation, where once you cross over you become “Celebrity” and totally higher level human, at least that’s what their narcissism tells them…

So if you follow any of the conspiracies, you’ll know all the imagery, symbolism, tattoos, and bullshit these self involved puppets put out there to the point where it’s clearly gotta be an actual secret society because they are all pushing the same imagery and symbolism…

If you think logically, there’s nothing great about Halle Berry, except many her tits 20 years ago, so she must have been initiated..

The fact that she’s still around, looking like Oprah, doing the Black Face, because she’s WHITE with a tan, appropriating on actual black people because she was lucky enough to have a mom get cummed into by a black guy, so that the racists everyone complains about in Hollywood could comfortably cast her because she’s basically one of their own, and not actually black….but Hollywood black for people less involved to assume she’s black with her fake street accents….makes me think she’s compromised….

The snake, just adds some fuel to that conspiracy theory fire!

Good news though, she’s still got the tits…


Halle Berry Snake Charmer of the Day July 18th, 2023