Titty Drop Thursday of the Day

Like Kubrick’s moon landing that happened over 50 years ago today, these titty drops are OUT of this world….or at least as out of the world as his moon landing, which is pretty much ON this world, but still substantial enough to make a national event out of, so long as we have the right brainwashing marketers on board to let the people know and understand that Titty Drops are the future….or the now…or just amazing…

The titty drop is a slow motion titty reveal, a stylized flash, showcasing the titty’s athleticism, and as someone into looking at a tit bounch, even a fat girl tit, the titty drop is a great way to spend a day on the internet, so check em out….it’s the important content you need.

Titty Drop Thursday of the Day July 20th, 2023