Fishnet Friday of the Day

I have been in a few crammed summer places in the last few weeks, not intentionally, but there’s crowds of people, and on really hot summer days, some of those people aren’t wearing the weather appropriate fishnets that would let their cunts air out, but rather a fabrics that don’t breathe, that end up with a fetid, fusty, malordorous, noisome, musty, putrid, rank, fishy as fuck smell permeating the air….Is it period, is it bacterial infections, it’s all so suspicious and even a little ironic…since the fishy cunt’s not even wrapped in the fucking fishnets…like the Chinese fisherman who are basically clearing out the international waters of all the fish to feed their people and destroy the fucking planet…

Hey, how about some fishnets…

Fishnet Friday of the Day July 21st, 2023