On/Off Flasher Fridays of the Day

We’re a lazy species, especially now that we’ve created a currency or money that allows us to hire people to do the shit we are too lazy to do, just a bunch of spoiled fucking lazy fucks, even the broke ass ones eating their fast food dinners, too lazy to cook, too lazy to survive, really being as anti-human as possible in their shitty existence…

So as a lazy species, we need our fantasies mapped out for us, made literal, because why would we use our imagination, that’s work, or why would we try to go out there and convince the clothed women of the world to show us what’s under the clothing, since we all want to see what’s under the clothing, when we can just wait for them to collectively produce that content for us…

There was a time you had to target a handful of women to see what they looked like under their clothing, other than that it was all speculation, imagination, fantasy….

Now they do it all for us, and it’s pretty fucking great, because I am lazy too, and I’m also undesirable, making the seeing what’s under the clothes harder, and I’m broke, which makes the seeing what’s under the clothes impossible….

The internet brings another win.

On/Off Flasher Fridays of the Day July 21st, 2023