Weight Watcher Wednesday of the Day

Here’s a post of fat chicks being slutty, a glitch in the matrix, because that’s supposed to be reserved for behind closed doors while drunk at 3 am, but has somehow migrated into being a fetish thanks to all the perverts out here making fat chicks think they are hot cuz of the whole vagina thing, something they’ll always be able to find someone to stick their dick in, it’s not a fucking accomplishment….

I do this post for exclusivity and to remind you why I have a no fat chicks allowed policy, unless it’s to mock the fat chicks, every other day of the week, because that’s just how I feel…unrealistic body images and the girls who strive for that, rather than OVERLY realistic, but should be unrealistic, because no one should be a fat chick, except for it being so easy to be a fat chick….at least physically, just eat and sit….it’s likely hard mentally, if they weren’t all so brainwashed into thinking it is hot cuz dudes will stick their dick in anything…

Weight Watcher Wednesday of the Day July 26th, 2023