Workout Wednesday of the Day

Fitness is being marketed as some white nationalist, racist, misogynistic, pro-trump, far right, alt-right, Q-Anon, survivalist, anti-establishment, libertarian activity, at least by the media that is written by weak, low testosterone, cucks with man tits, who eat soy all day, while sucking back on their anti-depressants because they are weak little bitches…

The truth is, that’s all part of the agenda, try to give fitness a bad name, when clearly it’s the most important thing a person can do for health, wellness, clear state of mind, quality of life, especially in this world that wants us all fat, even where they shame fitness so that people who feel pressured to get fit, don’t bother, because they don’t want to be associated with all those “negative” things in their LIBTARD gang….

So from Fat Models, to vile bad foods, to sitting all day….FITNESS is being attacked, and I think as fat chick haters, we need to celebrate the fit chicks who are still vain enough to not want to be fat, since it’s gross, by doing fitness, and since we’re all low testosterone, lazy, given up on life fucks, just old school about it and not blaming fitness for it, all we can do is jerk off to the musculature and build of these bitches, you know, because when they are fit they fuck better, the look better, and their fitness exercises are basically pornographic while they do them….so hop on that fitness train perverts….do it for the future of HUMANITY…

Workout Wednesday of the Day July 26th, 2023