Lili Reinhart Cleavage of the Day

Average at best, how was she cast as your childhood fantasy blonde Betty, Lili Reinhart, no longer on a very hyped dumb as fuck show, is currently making the moves needed to be made to keep herself relevant, reminding people that the badly cast Betty is here and she means it, because along with being fat, she’s got fat tits, and she’s not stupid enough to not use those as a currency, because they are a currency, probably the currency used to get herself cast as Fat Betty in the first place….LOOK AT HER TITS….HIRED….you annoying fucking theatre kid….

Also in the frame, a man’s hand ready to fist the big girl, because that’s how big girls get off…public in car fisting so that the people who walk up on them know they aren’t those big girls who don’t fuck….GILBERT GRAPE.

Lili Reinhart Cleavage of the Day July 28th, 2023