Padma Lakshmi Old Lady Bikini of the Day

Padma Lakshmi is milking this geriatric Sports Illustrated Swimsuit opportunity harder than she milks old billionaire dudes on their death bed, in efforts to fake a pregnancy with the motherfucker, while really being pregnant with another billioniare, just to mitigate the risk, try to double down, knowing that so long as the non bio dad think he’s the bio dad, the kid will get paid out when he dies…and then when he dies, just do a paternity test with the other billionaire who is the bio dad and now dude’s gotta pay up.., requires a level of sophisticated opportunistic woman who think she’s really hot and deserving to master than kind of psychopathic play…

SO yeah, Padma, the Food Network host with the big tits, wants you thinking about her milking milkers that are now more evaporated and dried up milk, but still big, while she’s out here milking the SI stamp of approval to target the next billionaire with the whole “I’m an SI Model”….so that she can milk him as hard as she’s previously milked rich old dudes..

Point of the story, lots of milk for someone who thinks cows are sacred…


Padma Lakshmi Old Lady Bikini of the Day July 31st, 2023