Billie Eilish Fishnet Fetish of the Day

Bille Eilish is being so hip in her ski mask, it feels so familiar to me, seeing as I am all about being anonymous and masked in this terrible over sharing and over exposed world of everyone wanting to be seen.

I’m not saying that if I ever took off the mask and decided to be a podcast host, influencer, singer song writer, tap dancer, small penis pornstar with an onlyfans, cam girl cuz I’m trans, you know I have options, that I’d be famous, but I would be a little more thirsty for attention than I already am, which isn’t very thirsty for attention at all, I’ve never actually marketed this bullshit, proven by the 2 of you who ended up here googling “grey pubic hair”….

So in my case, the mask doesn’t make me mysterious or exciting and unmasking doesn make me more relevant, important, famous, appreciated, rich, which would really not be that hard to achieve seeing as if another 2 people googled “grey pubic hair” I’d be double the relevant…..

I’m just saying I’m a brown paper bag kind of guy, who isn’t a S&M BDSM Fetishist, but who doesn’t like getting distracted by ugly faces, which is something that masks do a great job of solving…

So as fat and super famous Billie Eilish roles around in fishnets and shorts like some kind of Comicon freak in Cosplay, she looks better doing it masked..


Billie Eilish Fishnet Fetish of the Day August 1st, 2023