Denise Richards Nude Yoga of the Day

This just in, I remain very confused and weirded out by Denise Richards taking on the OnlyFans model life at her age and not just because her nipples are as weird as the level of weirded out that I am, but it’s part of the reason….she’s old, she’s a mom, she’s rich, she had a semi-legitimate career, was on reality TV, but none of that was enough, she still wants ya’ll jerking off to her all these years later…and I remain weirded out by these motherfuckers….her nipples and the rest of her…but mainly those nipples…they’re nutty and something you’d think she’d hide or be ashamed of, but clearly it’s mangled nipple empowerment, a niche disability, but one that deserves it’s shine and normalization and Denise is the activist to do it….so brave….like those models with skin diseases, face birth marks, obesity, amputation, etc.


Denise Richards Nude Yoga of the Day August 4th, 2023