Pussy Wedgie Wednesday of the Day

I don’t know if all the pussy wedgies I see in a given day are just a geographic thing, you know French Canadian women are slutty and want people to see their cunts, but I am going to assume it’s an internet becoming reality thing, where girls are just trying to fit in like they are when pretending to be Taylor Swift fans or into the Barbie movie….so they wear the spandex and don’t care about the fact that the world can see their cunt, it’s just part of the outfit…

I like to think it’s female self preservation in an era of trannies getting a lot of attention, in a “Look I’m a Real Chick”, but it could just be that girls are into how the pussy wedgie feels pressed against their clits with every step they take, soaking through the tight pants without anyone knowing….

Either way, there’s a lot of hungry for tight pant pussy out there and I’m all for staring.

Pussy Wedgie Wednesday of the Day August 9th, 2023