Weight Watcher Wednesday of the Day

No Fat Chicks Allowed….

That’s really not the general consensus of the fat world we live in, but I am old, old fashioned and a firm believer in the days of bullying fat chicks into hating themselves, having no self esteem, allowing you to entrap them for sex on request whenever you’re bored of jerking off, to which they eagerly comply because people, when put through abuse, made to feel like dog shit, useless and disgusting are easy to manipulate into sex, assuming you don’t find fucking fatties repulsive as fuck, so repulsing you’d rather jack off…unless of course you’re a loser like me who fat chicks, even in their prime of being oppressed and bullied, wouldn’t be caught dead fucking….

Here are some fatties for the chubby chasers….which I guess in this era is all people since the fats are impossible to escape!

Weight Watcher Wednesday of the Day August 9th, 2023