Weight Watcher Wednesday on a Friday of the Day

I’ve been lazy as shit this week, which I figure is some character actor’s approach to their subject, which in this case is the plight of the fat chick, not the flight of the fat chick, because the flight of the fat chick is terrifying for the poor bastard sitting next to her on the plane, or for the small plane pilot loading her into his plane like she’s Aaliyah’s luggage in the Bahamas, before plummeting from the heavens their untimely deaths…not the fat chick cares, seeing as she’s already ready for that untimely death..

So in preparation of this post, I have eaten some cake to get my blood sugar all wonky, I’ve been lazy as shit staring at the fucking screen all day, doing some online shopping in hopes it triggers some happiness while being so miserable, just not as happy as eating that cake, until after eating the cake, only to scroll on social media and leave mean comments on skinny girl’s profiles…

You see fat-chicking is a way of life.

Weight Watcher Wednesday on a Friday of the Day August 18th, 2023