Weight Watcher Wednesday of the Day

There are two kinds of fat chicks….the kind who squirrel away and live their mousy little lives with their books, their knitting, their cats, their midnight snacks that no one can judge them for because no one cares enough to be there, to intervene, to help motivate them to lose weight, if anything they just stay the fuck away and allow them to have their lonely, sad, depressing existence….with no real motivation to get their life together, to drop the weight, or to improve the misery they find comfortable in its mediocrity…

The other kind of fat person is the bigger than life, life of the party, big personality who knows that everyone is looking at their freakish size, so they bring a personality as big to the table with their big size, because they don’t get enough attention being big….it’s the outgoing fatty, who likely fucks dudes on the regular because they don’t think they are fat, or they own being fat, and they likely get naked on the internet…

I prefer the fatties who live in the prison they built for themselves, a CELLBLOCK of shame, but the extrovert fatties still have tits, oftentimes scary tits, and tits are always worth looking at, even if it is for a cultural analysis for your PhD in NUDES….

Weight Watcher Wednesday of the Day August 23rd, 2023