Full Back Panties Friday of the Day

I heard that one of the latest hipster trends, not that hipsters even exist anymore, everyone has sort of morphed into one weird streetwear street style website picture, because instagram is VERY fucking influential to the retard hive mind and these motherfuckers are basically all the same fucking thing…

But yeah, I heard that along with Bass Pro Shop hats, cut off shirts, crazy pants and mullets where bros are getting PERMS to pull off with a level of irony….dudes are now rocking male mom jeans, which I guess are some high waisted, high crotch you’d see on a girl, making her ass look huge and 80s, but on a dude.

I do not know if that means men are also wearing granny panties, but these chicks are, so its’ possible in a low testosterone trans filled society….

Is the thong dead, are the cheesy thong girls being replaced with lazy big bushed granny panties, who cares, it’s not about the underwear it’s about ripping off the underwear, that’s the point…and here are some full-backs.

Full Back Panties Friday of the Day August 25th, 2023