Ashley Roberts was a Pussy Cat Doll from Arizona, but unlike Nicole Scherzinger, who was basically the Em Rat Cow of the group, because Em Rata Cow wasn’t the only whore used in the Robin Thicke music video that made her famous, but her bad dancing and big tits made her the only one people remembered, only a far more important scale because the Pussy Cat Dolls were multiple tours, albums, music videos…yet this one just couldn’t stand out from the crowd…
I think she moved to the UK where low level celebrities are celebrated more than they are in America, but I could be wrong, I’ve just seen her paparazzi attention seeking fodder in the UK and assumed she was a Reality star or Glamour model, since they have different thirsty celebs out there…..
She’s 41, in a thong bikini, probably in Europe, which means she’s in the sea putting the fish back into the ocean where it belongs, a pirate’s burial..