On/Off Flasher Fridays of the Day

I guess people aren’t supposed to wear white after labor day, but we’re in the era of whoredom and exhibitionism because voyeurism pays well leading to more and more people being exhibitionists for money, or fun, or attention who fucking cares….

Maybe people shouldn’t wear anything after labor day, or if they do, they should take a corresponding picture of them not wearing anything so that perverts like me get to see what we want to say, take out the guesswork…

Outfits are skimpier and skimpier, girls are sluttier and sluttier, they don’t even realize it, but my pervert ass does…but nothing’s ever quite as good as naked, even when clothed looks better than naked, I don’t like the mystery of not knowing.

SO here are those On/Offs for not wearing anything before labor day or some shit…it’s a low level concept I ran with because it’s the long weekend, why the fuck am I updating this trash…I don’t know….

On/Off Flasher Fridays of the Day September 1st, 2023