Milky Boobs Monday of the Day

I don’t really understand the whole pregnancy fetish, but I guess it is sex coming to full fruition, or completion and the whole fucking point of fucking.

So maybe in a world that took the baby-making out of the fucking, our animal brains are still wired to the baby-making, because if you’re a man, you should naturally want to spread your seed and if you’re a man and don’t want to spread your seed it’s because you’re low testosterone, maybe the hormones on the water, maybe the brainwashing from the media we consume trying to kill the family unit and make everyone a fucking lonely empty loser eating fast food and married to a job or a screen…I don’t fucking know…

I just know that more and more people seem excited by pregnancy and more and more pregnant bitches or milky tit lactating moms are sexualizing themselves for what must be a lucrative fetish niche, because there’s a lot of lonely dudes who crave a pregnant bitch or a milk filled tit, whether from mommy issues, or loser who will never make a mommy issues, but if you’re into milky tits, there’s no shortage of milky tits doing their best DAIRY COW impression in hopes your sadness seeks dopamine release by jacking off to them….or maybe signing up and paying them because exclusive content is a fucking racket and these girls are out of control…

Milky Boobs Monday of the Day September 4th, 2023