I am not a weed smoker, but I am very fucking suspicious about the whole weed smoking thing now that it’s been made legal in so many places.
I realize that smoking weed makes a motherfucker paranoid, apathetic and paranoid, so perfect to squirrel away in your house eating take out….
But for some reason, none of the weed smokers question the legalization of weed, if anything they are too excited celebrating their new found freedom, that not one of them stops and says…”why the fuck does the man want me smoking weed, this is fucking suspicious”…
Here are some people publicly posting, producing some eroticized version of smoking weed, you know like a blue movie of the 70s, only far lazier, lacking story, art direction and an actual fucking point, because no one really craves quality they just get their fap on to anything, even harder when it’s a niche they are stoked on, like smoking weed cuz they smoke weed, which is like dudes who get off to hot chicks into videogames, cuz they play videogames….you get what I am saying here…