Billie Eilish Fishnets of the Day

I guess Billie Eilish realizes that it’s FISHNET FRIDAY because the fat chick has her fishnets on, like many fat chicks you probably see out in public in their fishnets, since fishnets tend to be a fat chick or goth dude fashion stable, despite the fishnets squeezing the fat through the fishnet holes, turning a fat bitch into a waffle cone, while looking like a fat bitch who eats too many waffle cones…

Billie Eilish may be trying to do fitness, but those thighs are the kind that crush watermelons in those viral youtube videos….

She may be a HOT ARTIST thanks to the propaganda and media manipulation…..but she’s not actually hot…

If anything, she should focus on her fat girl tits, rather than her fat girls legs, or her visible throught he sheer shirt, fat girls gut…

I like the hip and fashionable take on boxing, with the dick sucking knee pads that don’t really add to the whole eroticism of this totally non erotic shoot…BUT THERE ARE FISHNETS…and that’s something!


Billie Eilish Fishnets of the Day September 8th, 2023