Full Back Panties Friday of the Day

It’s that time of the month, or week, since I do this post every week, always with a fresh and exciting take on the FULL BACK Panty, which typically works out to “It’s not the panty that counts, but the ass that is in the panty” since hot ass makes anything look good….I know, I’m a modern day philosopher…

I also believe that even broken down ass looks good in panties, because it’s one layer of fabric away from the target and not all of us have any real standards…so it’s not the panty that counts but GETTING the bitch out of the panties that counts…so soiled period panties from being a lazy slob of a woman seeking comfort or not, who fucking cares…

The full back panty, often worn as a period panty, making it a sign to those of you who live with a woman, and who aren’t lonely losers, even though living with a woman can make you feel like a lonely loser, especially when that woman is your mom…..but not as lonely as those of you out there who don’t know how easy it is to seduce women, or fuck women, just by talking to women….so instead you hold them in this high esteem like some superior creature, forgetting that for the most part they aren’t that complicated….but they do bleed and when the bleed, along with being bloody cunty, in both senses of the term “bloody cunty”….they wear the period panty for comfort and convience and to house their pads…which to some may be a sign of “DICK SUCKING WEEK AHEAD”….the full back panty a beacon like the light on a lighthouse bringing the sailors in safely….but for the most part, it’s probably just BLOODY CUNTY….so you’re probably lucky to be a virgin or near virgin girls don’t talk to so you don’t have to deal with that kind of thing…

Here are some full back panties, some hot, some not, all panty, all the time…

Full Back Panties Friday of the Day September 8th, 2023