Milky Boobs Monday of the Day

Stop sexualizng tits.

Let women breast feed in peace you fucking perverts.

All immature and overly excited for tits, because that’s what the media trained you into thinking, when really tits are just a tool to feed the future generation.

It takes a man to ruin everything, like the beauty and non-sexual nature of tits, by turning them into a sex object, a living fucking fleshlight but the TITTY version.

When clearly, women, and breasts, are for FEEDING babies, NOT grown men..

Here’s some breast milk fetish content to PROVE to you that breasts are not sexual, breast feeding, or lactation, which is TITTY DOING WHAT TITTY DO, is not sexual, and the people out there who make it sexual are fucking weirdo perverts.

Milky Boobs Monday of the Day September 11th, 2023