Shitney Cummings Aint Got No Pants On of the Day

Shitney Cummings is a scam, at least according to me, which is meaningless since I am not an authority on anything, my criticism of celebrity culture and the whores that partake in celebrity culture is not accredited, licensed, or authoritative…I’m the same a fat angry lesbian leaving a mean comment on instagram, only this idiot pays to host his own fucking website that doesn’t make money to do it….all while setting myself up for lawsuits when these whores decide to come after me for calling them whores, since they aren’t official whores and that’s defamation, even if I see it as doing my satirical commentary as a commedian of the internet…that no one considers funny, or comedic…..

But yeah, I don’t think Shitney is funny, I think she was a slutty chick trying to make it, saw that comedy was an easy way in, like when girls who can sing do country music and rise to the top, she leveraged it to great heights, with her TV shows that were hits, so she obviously knows something about the retard mind she manipulates….

Despite being rich, successful and an icon in her own opinion of herself, she does low level internet content, probably runs an Onlyfans as s comedic hook, cash grab, cuz you can never have too much money….and despite being pregnant she still brings the nudes she likes bringing….because that’s how exhibitionists work….

So she’s sexualizing the whole getting knocked up, having sex come to completion, despite being 100 fucking years old, with a uterus you’d otherwise thought was dead….but I guess we’ll see how dead it is if the kid comes out autistic or retarded….

Either way, PREGNANCY NUDES…inappropriate and vulgar, which I think is her whole comedic hook to begin with, so it all makes sense!


Shitney Cummings Aint Got No Pants On of the Day September 14th, 2023