Medical Worker Monday of the Day

I met a medical worker on the streets, wearing her scrubs, not pulling her scrubs off with her other medical worker friends trying to find a second revenue stream through selling nudes, since there is a lot of money to be made in selling nudes, and clearly the medical workers are a niche or demographic that people respond to, whether it’s healthcare heroes or just the idea of a woman who changes diapers, who has access to meds, who helps in surgery or who has a solid pension, all trained and professional, risking it all to get naked on the internet is fun…

SO yeah, the medical worker I met told me that everyone is brainwashed with the mask, covid and vaccine shit, to which I said “what about the getting naked on the internet from the job shit”….which she had no idea of, so I pulled up some medical worker monday pics and I think she’s probably spent the weekend practicing her nudes because people are brainwashed into making money off nudes too.

Medical Worker Monday of the Day September 25th, 2023