Things to Wear to the Beach Tuesday of the Day

I don’t know if bikinis make the world go round, but as a pervert, they are pretty important..

I think bikinis are pretty entertaining. Not that girls don’t dress slutty enough in their day to day outfits, I mean I spent the weekend staring at so much legging ass, now that WHITE GIRL PUMPKIN season has started…but bikinis are still fun to look at, especially on the internet when you can zoom in on them.

So one bikini season ends, another bikinis, and even the cold weather doesn’t deter the focused, driven and ambitious slut, because at least one of those bitches in leggings was rocking a sports bra with her tits hanging out…despite the cold weather like they don’t give a fuck….another one was rocking a sports bra under a jacket that she had open, because showing off her big tits was more important to her than her comfort and that’s something that’s been pretty consistent with the female hive mind….pain for looking as good as they can…

So yeah, despite it not being the BIKINI SEASON, girls are still half naked in FALL, and any of the real deal sluts are making money off the internet whoredom that takes them to far away tropical retreats, so that they can capture more bikinis in the off-season….

Things to Wear to the Beach Tuesday of the Day September 26th, 2023