Feminist Friday of the Day

I don’t think that every chick who walks around braless, which is most chicks, are actually the annoying feminists, it’s a style choice…but I like to call them feminists to remind me of how funny, retarded, idiotic those modern day feminists are with their man hating, sex working, blue hair weirdness.

The good news is that more and more women seem to be finding god, falling back into more traditional roles, realizing that being a woman is something special and worth celebrating, and that all this feminism of trying to make women compete with men, or choose work over family, is a miserable, angry and shitty existence…

I saw this video of some feminists defending women by calling a dude who celebrates women a misogynist, I feel it’s relateable:

So there are still feminists, but they are too fucking fat and vile to be celebrated here, these are just braless chicks and I like bralessness, it makes going outside something to jerk off to without having to use too much of an imagination.

Feminist Friday of the Day September 29th, 2023