I guess I let all you losers down, because I didn’t jump on the Britney Spears dancing with knives video that’s become a meme.
I figure, Britney Spears as a concept is pretty fucking depressing, because the girl still feels very much in captivity and I’m not even sure it is the girl, just some body double playing the girl that they use as a distraction….
But the story is that she did some knife holding dance routine, that got the police called to do a wellness check all while being pantsless…which I guess is seemingly crazy, but hardly that fucking crazy when you factor in that this is Britney Spears, or the AR Filter that makes some random dude into Britney Spears for the sake of the internet, all dancing in front of a Green Screen in the same place she always dances from….because the actual Britney is dead…
This is a top level, trained super star, dancing awkwardly and producing the most bootleg content possible, just fuels the conspiracy that this ain’t no FREE BRITNEY at all…I’ll still look at her mom ass….