Weight Watcher Wednesday of the Day

I am a fat shamer by nature, despite being fat. It’s like a self hating person of any ethnicity or socio economic class, or gender, or sexuality…..you have first hand experience in understanding how fucking vile, disgusting and ugly it is. You know what it takes to be fat, what it takes to be not fat, and what level of self hate it takes to get fat. You know what level of delusion it takes to pretend you look good, to act like you’re hot, or to wear skimpy outfits like you’re not a fat fuck.

You know that dudes fuck anything, that fat fetishes may exist, but that’s usually a testament to the guy fucking the fatty because it’s all he’s got access to fuck…so when he says how hot the fattie is, he’s just gaming them into thinking they aren’t gross, like how the big brands do plus sized hotgirl clothing, it’s all just manipulation of a weak fat girl mind, you know unable to control food intake, unable to control spending, unable to control not fucking anyone who gives them attention…

As a self hating fat fuck, I am committed to fat shaming, because fat is gross and puts a strain on our society when they try to normalize it….

Sho here are some big girls for inclusivity.

Weight Watcher Wednesday of the Day October 4th, 2023