Brianna Pinnix the Angry Racist Train Rider of the Day

Brianna Pinnix is a 30 year old from New Jersey who is going viral because she went after a couple of white dudes on a train in the city, because they appeared to be from Germany and that pissed her off….she called them Dirty Immigrants and told them to go back tot heir own country.

I guess WHITE ON WHITE rage is real, but to think what would happen if she was doing this to some Mexicans, black folks, Muslims or Ukrainians….I can assure you…there would be riots.

She just got FIRED from her job because she drunkenly told German tourists in NYC to ‘get the fuck out of my country’ a sentiment many people have, but don’t say for inclusivity and diversity.

She obviously knew the Germans weren’t going to beat, rape or kill her, which is why she was so tough…..

But now I’m trying to find her NUDES and I think she’s deleted her instagam…..

I guess you should be happy that this white racism you see is getting people in trouble on a very minor level…

Now, where the nudes at bro?

Brianna Pinnix the Angry Racist Train Rider of the Day October 5th, 2023