Candice Swanepoel in Bikinis for her Brand of the Day

Candice Swanepoel is one of the hot models from Victoria’s Secret, before they wanted their angels to have various mutations and diseases, because why use hot chicks, since hot chicks offend ugly chicks who don’t even buy Victoria’s Secret because they are more into wearing diapers for their gaming, or men’s underwear for their social justice warrior fights on the internet that made Victoria’s Secret think there was a problem with hot models….

They mistook their dying brand with being outdated in the worst way, trying to modernize themselves in the worst way, by using pig bitches instead of just sticking to their fucking guns and making the VS model the prime pussy every other pussy wants to be, so they buy the cheap panties they sell them.

Anyway, Candice was one of the hot ones, the now flat chested cuz she took her implant out hot one, who has gone onto make her own brand, probably backed by Victoria’s Secret as a “golden parachute” or “retirement gift” after her forced retirement…and despite her being an old, mom of a few too many kids, her ass and long model legs still excite me, but I probably only like her because she’s South African white and South African white’s are known to be racist….

Candice Swanepoel in Bikinis for her Brand of the Day October 5th, 2023