Phoebe Price Still Dancing of the Day

Phoebe Price still lives and continues to be amazing….and weird and desperate but in a good way.

I never quite knew whether she had any level of self awareness, or if she was just some sort of delusional person who genuinely believed that she was a celebrity, because she’d show up to the paparazzi hot spots to get seen or noticed, which worked at the time.

A meme before the memes, now she’s just trying to adapt in a modern internet world where everyone can be as crazy in their quest for fame as her, only they don’t have to actually put any real effort into it….they can do it from home and hope it hits….

She’s so old and has been at it for so long, that there’s not cringe left to what she does, it’s shameful or embarassing, it’s almost like a parody or even kind of hot, despite her being old as shit….

I think Phoebe’s a legacy, something that meant something at the time where she was left in the dust, but she adapted and keeps trying….owning the trying and I’m into it, not for sexual purposed, but for the HIGHER purpose.


Phoebe Price Still Dancing of the Day October 11th, 2023