Full Back Panties Friday of the Day

I don’t give a fuck about what style a panty is, I don’t even care who the panty is long, so long as it’s crusty and in my mouth, we’re fucking winning son.

Here are some full back panties we can hope these women are wearing for multiple days before selling them online to perverts like you, in what was my original online business idea, where I even sourced the full back panties and dollar store tuna and glue stick I was going to use, to run the scam of the century before eBAY or PAYPAL wouldn’t let me do it….it was 2001 or 2002 so the natural direction was to obviously start a blog that no one reads….

BUT yeah, period panties are fun cuz you know the girl wearing them has no respect for you, like when I worked as a stock boy at the pharmacy and the hot chicks would ask me for laxatives or other gross shit to remind me that they didn’t consider me human and fucking them wasn’t even a possibility…which made them all the hotter….

SO ME YOUR FULL BACK PANTIES like these bitches..

Full Back Panties Friday of the Day November 3rd, 2023