Selena Gomez Cleavage of the Day

Selena Gomez has her big fat girl titties out, because that’s the reason she bought them, you know back when she was getting her kidneys replaced because of the trauma based mind control the industry put her through, and/or her LUPUS that she hasn’t died of….in a “if I am already under the knife I might as well get some tits out of the deal”.

The organ harvester and star of Disney’s Only Murder in the building, who at one time was a sex offender because she was over 18 when her Justin Bieber was under the age of 18 like she was some kind of predator, probably only practicing what she knows, because you don’t become Selena Gomez in an industry of perverts, without being an actual victim of those perverts, leading to a life of being fucked in the head thanks to being sold to a shitty industry as a child, because you parents hate you or value money over you, or are narcissists who can’t believe a child they shat out is resonating with the perverts, so that they sell them off to the perverts, robbing them of a normal life…assuming that’s what happened GOMEZ and that’s what made her some mental health bi-polar advocate based on bullshit to keep her medicated and earning….

Who cares about victim shit, small price to pay to be rich and famous, like stupid rich and stupid famous, top level rich and top level famous…



Selena Gomez Cleavage of the Day November 7th, 2023