What’s Laurie the Midget Up To of the Day

I have no idea who Laurie the Midget is, but Facebook recommended her to me while I accidentally logged in to see if someone of importance reached out to me with a blank check to acquire this site so that I can go retire in the hills with the other inbred freaks, never to be heard from again….

I don’t really think this was a “Facebook listens to my mind” situation, where they show me ads based on conversations I have because they are listening to me, but you can never be too sure how powerful that AI is and maybe FB knows what I want to see before I even think I want to see it.

Like I had no idea I had a midget fetish, if anything, I’ve always found midgets dressed hot to be a little weird, but these are modern times, things change and maybe all I am missing is a little Laurie the Midget.

Facebook knows best, mind control me Facebook, and show me more midgets with the the human sized tits…or the normal sized tits since I guess she is still considered human, despite being pocket sized….making her the perfect fleshlight…POCKET SIZED PUSSY sized…and not inanimate so that you don’t feel like a loser, but rather an adventurer or exploring diving into new and exciting experiences…..

What’s Laurie the Midget Up To of the Day November 7th, 2023