Pussy Wedgie Wednesday of the Day

I guess the one thing we can learn from the pussy wedgies of the world, is that if you have a vagina, you might as well use it to eat anything that comes near it, like some kind of rabid varmint in the back alley of a strip club, because it’s good training for the pelvic floor, it can prevent them from pissing themselves as they get older, and maybe it can help them grip the tiny cocks of rich dudes who they are only fucking because they are rich and who are only rich because of the tiny cocks.

As a non-pussy owning individual, I don’t know how much of the pussy wedgie is intentional, they all seem intentional, but maybe the fat lips just can’t help themselves from sucking the fabric in, like some kind of alien tracking beam in one of your sci-fi movies….MAGNETIC…

If the pussy wedgies are intentional, is it for style, is it to let people know that they have real pussy in a tranny era, is it to show off their pussy because they think their pussy is cute, like a girl with big fat tits in a low cut shirt but the pussy version, or is it a form of masturbation….

I NEED ANSWERS….now let me investigate with all these pics.

Pussy Wedgie Wednesday of the Day November 8th, 2023