Iskra Lawrence gives off fake fat girl turned real fat girl for the clout. It worked for her and she went viral for it, so she has to stick to her guns and deliver the fat girl content otherwise she will cease to exist.
It’s the concept that these people want fame so bad, they do anything to get it, and when they find the viral hook, they are locked and loaded and committed to that viral hook for the rest of their internet life, full in prison to the persona.
There are people who went viral for falling on their face, who now stage falling on their face to keep the dream alive.
So a model who wanted to be a model but was too fat, seeing that fat models get love too so she made herself fatter, now forced to stay fat because she was originally just too fat to be a model, now she’s barely fat enough to be a plus sized model, but still fat so that she doesn’t lose her identity….
Anyway, she’s in her underwear and they are fucking huge, and that’s repulsive, so I like it…I just wish they were more soiled, you know make if fat girl who can’t wipe proper, but you know instagram all white washed and photoshopped and curated to push the lie…INSTAGRAM VS REALITY shit..