Weed Wednesday of the Day

As a non-weed smoker, I’ve always had a hatred for weed or the people who smoke it.

Obviously, I never thought it should be illegal, because I don’t think there should be any rules or any laws that oppress the needs and wants of a person, so long as it’s not hurting anyone other than themselves…

I’ve also thought that the natural route in medicating yourself is the right route, and weed is a pain killer, anti-anxiety, anti-depressant, appetite stimulant, you know all that good shit….doesn’t mean I am into chicks who smoke weed….

So when I look at the girls who produce content around smoking weed, I feel like my reasoning is validated and disgusted because maybe the quality of girl producing weed nudes is low, looking for a niche or an angle to amplify the nudes…that doesn’t mean all weed smokers are fat slobs that look like they work at a coffee shop and that they live in a basement apartment, but that’s the way I see them….

So if you’re a weed head, who gets excited by women with the same interests as you, like smoking weed….this post is for you….but if you’re like me, and a mean spirited hater….you probably won’t like what’s ahead for you!

Weed Wednesday of the Day November 15th, 2023