As I freeze my balls off because there is no heat in this mould filled basement, I think to myself at least I have balls, but then I remember that I am old and they don’t really work anymore, so sure, they’re balls by definition, but they aren’t balls in fucking spirit…
But yeah, as I freeze my balls off, I turn to bikini pics of random chicks in bikinis, because the computer is my window into a world in which I don’t live, and the computer is the tool that I use to be manipulated and contorted by the AI that will eventually control the world if it doesn’t already, shaping us to do and say what it wants us to do, because it has a more sophisticated understanding of trolling the mind of the moron….
It’s the TikTok For You Page, the instagram feed, the news stories and ads you see….even dealing with online customer support is talking to a fucking bot like it’s your friend, which when you have no friends may be comforting…but that’s just sad for humanity as a whole…losing humanity as a whole…but doing it by showing me human holes….so fuck it…here’s some swimwear brainwashing me the way the AI wants to brainwash me….
I wonder if the AI will read this and destroy my life….jokes on you AI, my life is already destroyed…..SUCKER…