Tiny Tits Tuesday of the Day

I was sent a takedown notice for a TINY TIT Pic of a girl pulling out her tiny tit from a revenge porn company that basically profits from women who are victims of revenge porn, because they pay these companies to remove the revenge porn, but like anything, people abuse the whole being a victim thing and the revenge porn is rarely actual revenge porn, they just use that angle to get people to remove the nudes they’ve put on the internet in a time they thought hustling nudes on the internet was a good idea.

So I don’t feel as an accomplice in the revenge porn world, since I don’t know any of these chicks, but have a feeling they are fully consensual in these pictures, since they are posing in the pictures….and not about to kill themselves like a high school girl who was victim of actual revenge porn.

I do feel offended by the women who pull their tits out, no matter how small the tit is, because tit of all sizes are tits, using the whole victim shit to get their nudes removed off the internet now that they want to go back to being serious.

It’s pretty disrespectful to actual victims of revenge porn…..so here are some tiny tits of girls who may email me in a few weeks to remove their pics due to it being revenge porn….when clearly it’s not…

Tiny Tits Tuesday of the Day November 28th, 2023