Things to Wear to the Beach Tuesday of the Day

Being a dude pretty much means being a weak fuck when it comes to girls in bathing suits. It means that girls in bathing suits are not safe from being sexualized and stared at, even when they are in the thong formation with 90 percent of ass revealed in said bathing suits, because clearly the women who are 3/4 naked aren’t trying to be sexualized by showing you their full assholes, with their shaved or waxed outer pussy lips peaking out of the seams, they are just doing that to catch an even tan….to assume girls half naked or 3/4 naked in thong swimsuits that are far too small for their asses is a sexual thing because it gives you unsolicited erections, is clearly just you being a toxic male….GROSS.

Things to Wear to the Beach Tuesday of the Day December 6th, 2023