Too Thick Thursday of the Day

I believe in tough love, which I guess would be considered bullying, and that’s ok because I embrace the power of being an asshole, especially when you can get a laugh out of it, because of the joy of many at the expense of one is just basic fucking math.

More importantly, making fun of a fat person instead of coddling them like little soft and weak babies barely able to support their own weight with all that emotional trauma on their already obese chests, is a better approach to their fatness than telling them they look fierce, or hot.

Don’t celebrate the fat chicks…but let them know they are fat and killing themselves….

I think the whole fat positive thing was created at the hands of skinny chicks who like fat chicks around to make them look skinnier….

I also know that no fat person really likes being fat, which is why all these fat fucks get stomach bands and take diabetes meds for vanity purposes.

Point of the story, here’s some THICKNESS on THURSDAY and it’s GROSS.

Too Thick Thursday of the Day December 7th, 2023